Monday, June 25, 2007

The Homestretch

Well here we sit less than a week away from our expedition, and I'm still trying to iron out some issues with my bike. Last night, I decided to try and install my touring rack and a speedometer/odometer I was able to complete half of my intended project. I was able to get the touring rack all set up, and it looks good on the bike the only problem is that it isn't level or so the level says. From an eyeball view it looks good enough and sturdy enough to work. Putting on the speedometer/odometer was a whole different beast as I broke the straps when trying to tighten it so it needs to be returned to Sports Authority along with the 3 bike rack we bought since we were given a free one. On this trip anything free is better than spending more money!! Tomorrow I'm taking the bike in for a final tuneup and adjustment and to make sure I haven't done anything to mess it up in the past 3 weeks. I also need to ride with all my gear on to get a feel of how it will be on the road. I'll update on that adventure later in the week.

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