Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How Did I Get Here??

It all began with an innocent question from Mike..."You want to come to Vermont with me and Jesse on a bike trip?" That started what will be my memorable trip to Vermont. After a little time thinking I decided that I would go on this trip consisting of upwards of 400 miles over 6 days in the summer. You might be thinking that I was a road warrior on the bike, however my fondest memories of riding a bike consisted of me crashing into a parked car while my cousin was trying to teach me how to ride when I was around 5 and having my bike stolen on my birthday when I was 12...some things you just don't forget. I haven't done much riding since leaving those middle school days. The last time I was on a bike was last summer in Byron Bay, Australia when I was riding around town with some buddies checking out the sites. Needless to say I had a lot of work to do to get ready for this trip. I have now purchased a road bike, accessories, and even tried to install the rack tonight however that didn't go over so well, the only thing between now and Vermont is two weeks of training and a trip to the bicycle shop to have them fix whatever I messed up trying to put the touring rack aka Y Bar (yep i've learned some terminology too) on the bike. If the trip is anything the great time we had shopping for this trip over 2 days it should be a fun next couple of weeks and the memories will definitley last a lifetime. Stay tuned to see what interesting situations we get ourselves into and to make sure I get home alive...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "props". It was Ryan who let you hit the car! I was the one who let you swing into the wall in your "bouncy" seat in your parents apt. by McDonalds.

Cousin Michael